Picking the best car insurance company can feel challenging, especially when there are so many different providers to choose from. Some insurance companies stand out for their affordable rates, others have great discounts, and some are highly rated for customer service.
Ultimately, finding the best car insurance for you involves evaluating multiple companies based on a variety of important factors. In this article, we’ll explain how to find the best car insurance company for your personal needs.
How do I choose a good insurance company?
Choosing a good car insurance company is strategic. While you might see insurance advertisements promising cheap rates or the best customer service, their promises might not hold up for you, and the first car insurance company you come across might not be the best option for your needs.
When shopping for auto insurance, it’s important to remember that the best car insurance company is different for every driver. This is due to many reasons, including:
- Your coverage needs can be unique to you
- Only you can decide how you prioritize different car insurance company features like ease of filing a claim or mobile app experience
- Car insurance companies set their rates differently, and they charge different rates for different driver profiles
The most effective way to choose the best car insurance provider for you is to compare multiple companies using several criteria. Here are some of the features you should consider when researching the top car insurance companies.
Coverage types
When asking yourself, “What is the best car insurance,” you’ll want to consider your coverage needs. Do you need a standard minimum coverage or full coverage policy, or do you want to customize your policy with additional policies? Some of the best car insurance companies offer optional policies that add more protection, including accident forgiveness, new car replacement coverage, custom parts coverage, gap insurance, and umbrella insurance.
Most car insurance companies offer discounts to help you save money on your premium. However, every provider offers different discounts, with varying savings potential. When researching car insurance companies, look for carriers that offer multiple discounts you can take advantage of. Some popular discounts include:
- Good driver discounts
- Smart student discounts
- Policy bundling discounts
- Pay-in-full discounts
- Military discounts
- Multi-vehicle discounts
Online tools and mobile app
Car insurance companies that offer an online customer portal or mobile app make it easier to manage your policy on the go, make payments, view your ID cards, and even file claims. If you value having these tools, narrow down your search to only include car insurance companies that have good online and mobile capabilities. You should also consider insurance companies that offer customer service via live chat, which can be more convenient if you need to reach an agent quickly.
Popular insurers in your state
Another factor to consider when choosing the best car insurance is to look at which carriers are popular in your state. You will likely find some national company names you recognize, but you might also discover some regional players that specialize in insurance in your state.