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Frequently asked questions

We make car insurance simple and easy to understand

General car insurance

How does car insurance pricing work?

Car insurance pricing is based on a few key factors. Insurance companies consider things like your age, driving record, type of car, and where you live when determining the price you pay for car insurance. Younger drivers or those with accidents on their record might pay more for insurance. The make and model of your car can also affect the price, as some cars are more expensive to repair or replace. Your location matters, too, as some areas have higher rates of accidents or theft. By looking at all of these factors, insurance companies determine how much risk you pose and set your premium accordingly.

What types of coverage are available for car insurance?

There are different types of coverage available for car insurance, such as liability, which helps pay for damage you cause to others, and collision, which helps cover damage to your own car from accidents. Comprehensive coverage can help with other damages, like theft or natural disasters. Medical coverage can help with medical expenses for you or passengers. Some policies also offer uninsured motorist protection in case you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance. It’s important to choose the right types of coverage based on your needs, budget, and state laws.

How often should I review and update my car insurance policy?

It’s a good idea to review your car insurance policy at least once a year to make sure it still fits your needs. You should also update it whenever you have major life changes, like moving to a new place or buying a new car. It’s important to check your coverage to make sure you have enough protection in case of an accident. You also may find that you can save money by switching providers. By reviewing and updating your policy regularly, you can make sure you have the right coverage at the best price.

Does my car insurance cover towing and roadside assistance?

Many car insurance policies offer towing and roadside assistance as optional add-ons for an extra cost. You should check your policy or contact your insurance company to see if you have this coverage. If you have it, you can usually use it if your car breaks down or you need a tow. If you don’t have this coverage, you may be able to purchase it separately from a roadside assistance provider. It’s important to know what your policy includes so you can be prepared in case of an emergency on the road.

Do I need special insurance for rental cars?

Yes, you may need special insurance for rental cars. Your current auto insurance may cover rental cars, but it’s important to check with your insurance provider to be sure. If you don’t have enough coverage, you can purchase additional insurance from the rental car company. This will protect you in case of an accident or damages to the rental car. It’s always better to be safe and have the right insurance rather than facing unexpected costs later on.

What happens if I move to a different state with my car insurance policy?

If you move to a different state with your car insurance policy, you will need to update your policy to meet the new state’s requirements. You may need to get a new policy from a car insurance company that operates in the state you are moving to. Your rates could change based on factors like where you live and drive. It’s important to inform your insurance company of your move as soon as possible to ensure you have proper coverage in your new state. Failure to update your policy could result in penalties or even denial of coverage.

Collision insurance

How does comprehensive insurance differ from collision insurance?

Comprehensive insurance helps cover damage to your car from things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. It also includes coverage for hitting an animal. Collision insurance, on the other hand, only covers damage from accidents with other vehicles or objects. It’s important to have both types of insurance if you want your property to be protected in case you need to make a claim.

What is collision insurance?

Collision insurance is a type of car insurance that helps pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if you are in a crash, regardless of who is at fault. This coverage protects you from paying out-of-pocket for damages to your own car, unlike liability insurance which covers damages you cause to others. Collision insurance can be helpful if you have a newer or more valuable car, as it can help you get back on the road quickly after an accident.

How does collision insurance differ from other types of car insurance?

Collision insurance covers the cost of repairs or replacement of your own vehicle if you get into an accident, regardless of who is at fault. This is different from liability insurance, which only covers damages to the other person’s vehicle if you are responsible for the accident. Comprehensive insurance covers non-collision related damages, like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Collision insurance is optional, but can be helpful in protecting your own investment in your vehicle. It generally has a deductible that you must pay before the insurance kicks in to cover the rest of the costs.

Is collision insurance required by law?

Collision insurance is not required by law. Most states only require drivers to have liability insurance, which helps cover the costs if you damage someone else’s property or injure them in an accident. Collision insurance is optional and can help pay for repairs or replacement of your own vehicle if you’re in a crash. While it’s not required, having collision insurance can provide peace of mind and help protect your finances in case of an accident.

What does collision insurance cover?

Collision insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it’s damaged in a crash with another vehicle or object. This type of insurance is important because it protects you from having to pay for these costly damages out of your own pocket. Collision insurance only covers damages from accidents you are involved in, not natural disasters or other incidents. It helps give you peace of mind knowing that you won’t be left with a hefty bill if your car is damaged in a collision.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car if I hit another vehicle?

Yes, collision insurance will cover damage to your car if you hit another vehicle. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs to your car after a collision, regardless of who is at fault. It can also cover damage caused by hitting a stationary object like a tree or pole. It’s a good idea to have collision insurance to protect yourself in case of an accident.

Comprehensive insurance

What is the difference between full coverage and comprehensive coverage?

Full coverage typically refers to auto insurance policies that include liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage. Liability insurance helps pay for others’ injuries or damages, while collision coverage helps pay for damage to your own car in an accident. Comprehensive coverage, on the other hand, helps pay for damage to your car from things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. So, while full coverage includes liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage, comprehensive coverage specifically focuses on damages to your car from certain incidents.

What is comprehensive insurance?

Comprehensive insurance is a type of car insurance that helps pay for damage to your vehicle that is not caused by a collision. This can include things like theft, vandalism, natural disasters, or hitting an animal. It gives you more protection than just basic liability insurance.

What does comprehensive insurance cover?

Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your car that isn’t from a collision, like theft, vandalism, weather disasters, and accidents involving animals. It also covers broken windows, fire damage, and other non-collision incidents. It’s important to have comprehensive coverage to protect your car from a wide range of unexpected events.

Is comprehensive insurance required by law?

Comprehensive insurance is not required by law, but it is often required by lenders for car loans. Comprehensive insurance helps cover damages to your car that are not caused by a collision, like theft or natural disasters. While not legally mandatory, comprehensive insurance can provide added protection and peace of mind for unexpected events. It’s important to check with your state’s laws and your lender to determine if comprehensive insurance is necessary for you.

How does comprehensive insurance differ from collision insurance?

Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to my car in an accident?

Comprehensive insurance typically does not cover damage to your car in an accident. Instead, it usually covers things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. To cover accident damage, you would need collision insurance. It’s important to review your insurance policy carefully to understand what is covered and consider adding collision coverage if you want protection for accidents. Remember to also consider your deductible, which is the amount you would need to pay before your insurance kicks in to cover the remaining cost of repairs.

Full coverage insurance

What exactly does “full coverage” car insurance mean?

“Full coverage” car insurance means that your policy includes a combination of different kinds of coverage to protect you in case of an accident or other event. This typically includes liability coverage (to pay for damage you cause to others), collision coverage (to pay for damage to your own car), and comprehensive coverage (to pay for damage from things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters). It’s important to carefully review your policy to understand exactly what is covered and how much protection you have.

Does full coverage insurance cover everything?

Full coverage insurance typically covers a wide range of things like damage to your car from accidents and theft, as well as injuries to you and others. However, there may still be limits and exclusions depending on your specific policy. Some things, like routine maintenance or upgrades, may not be covered. It’s important to read your policy carefully and ask your insurance provider about any questions you have. Full coverage insurance is a good way to protect yourself in many situations, but it might not cover absolutely everything.

What types of coverage are included in full coverage car insurance?

Full coverage car insurance typically includes liability coverage, which pays for damage you cause to others, and collision and comprehensive coverage, which cover damage to your own vehicle. It may also include uninsured motorist coverage, which protects you if you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance, and personal injury protection, which helps pay for medical expenses if you or others are injured in a crash. Some policies also offer extras like roadside assistance and rental car reimbursement. Full coverage insurance can provide more peace of mind and financial protection than basic liability coverage.

Is full coverage insurance required by law?

Full coverage insurance is not required by state law, but certain types of insurance are mandatory. For example, liability insurance is required in most states to cover damages you may cause to others in an accident. However, full coverage insurance, which includes comprehensive and collision coverage, is usually optional. It can provide extra protection for your own vehicle in case of accidents, theft, or other incidents. While not required, full coverage insurance may be a good idea for drivers who want added peace of mind and protection for their own vehicle. It’s important to understand your state’s insurance requirements.

How much does full coverage car insurance cost compared to other types of coverage?

Full coverage car insurance typically costs more than other types of coverage, such as liability or collision insurance. This is because full coverage includes comprehensive insurance, which covers damage to your car from things like theft or vandalism. The cost of full coverage can vary depending on factors like your age, driving record, and the type of car you drive. It’s important to compare quotes from different insurance companies to find the best price for the coverage you need.

Do I need full coverage if my car is paid off?

It’s your choice whether to get full coverage for your paid-off car. Full coverage can help protect you in case of accidents, theft, or other damage, but it can be more expensive. If you have savings to cover repair costs and aren’t worried about potential losses, you might be able to save money by only getting the minimum required coverage. Remember, insurance is meant to provide financial protection, so think about how much risk you’re comfortable with before making a decision.

Liability insurance

What is liability coverage and why is it important?

Liability coverage is insurance that helps pay for damages or injuries to others in an at-fault accident. It’s important because accidents happen and can be expensive. If you cause a car crash or someone gets hurt on your property, liability coverage can protect you from having to pay for those costs out of your own pocket. It can also cover legal expenses if you are sued. Having liability coverage can give you peace of mind and protect your finances in case of an unexpected accident.

Is liability insurance required by law?

Most states have laws that mandate certain types and amounts of liability insurance for drivers. It’s important to check the laws in your specific area to understand what types of insurance are required by law to make sure you are properly covered.

What does liability insurance cover?

Liability insurance helps cover the cost of damages or injuries caused by an accident you’re responsible for. This type of insurance can help pay for expenses like medical bills, property damage, or legal fees if someone sues you. It doesn’t typically cover your own injuries or damage to your own property. Liability insurance is important to protect you financially in case something goes wrong and you’re found at fault. Make sure you understand the limits of your policy and consider getting additional coverage if needed.

How does liability insurance differ from other types of car insurance?

Liability insurance is a type of car insurance that helps cover the costs if you cause an accident that injures someone or damages their property. Unlike other types of car insurance, like collision or comprehensive, liability insurance does not pay for damage to your own car. It is designed to protect you from having to pay out of pocket for someone else’s medical bills or repairs. Liability insurance is required in most states because it helps ensure that people are financially responsible if they cause an accident.

Do I need liability insurance if I have comprehensive and collision coverage?

Yes, liability insurance is still important even if you have comprehensive and collision coverage. For one thing, liability insurance is required by law in most states. It helps protect you if you are at fault in an accident and someone else is injured or their property is damaged. Comprehensive and collision coverage mainly protect your vehicle in case of accidents, theft, or damage, but they do not cover injuries to other people or damage to their property. Having liability insurance ensures that you are covered for these situations.

What are the minimum liability insurance requirements in my state?

Minimum liability insurance requirements vary by state, but typically include coverage for bodily injury and property damage. Each state has its own specific minimum limits for coverage, such as 25/50/25 in some states, meaning $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage. It is important to check with your state’s Department of Insurance or a licensed insurance agent to find out the exact requirements in your state to make sure you have the proper coverage.

Personal Injury Insurance (PIP)

Does PIP coverage only apply to medical expenses, or does it cover other costs?

PIP coverage, also known as Personal Injury Protection, can cover not only medical expenses, but also lost wages and sometimes even funeral expenses. It helps you pay for these costs if you are injured in a car accident, regardless of who was at fault.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is a type of insurance that helps pay for medical expenses and lost wages if you or others in your car are injured in a car accident, no matter who is at fault. PIP coverage is meant to help cover immediate costs after an accident, like doctor visits, hospital bills, and rehabilitation services. It can also provide benefits for things like childcare, housekeeping, and more. PIP coverage varies by state, so it’s important to check your policy to see what is covered and how much protection you have.

Is PIP coverage required by law?

In some states, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is required by law. PIP helps cover medical bills and other expenses if you are injured in a car accident, regardless of who caused the crash. It can also provide compensation for lost wages and other costs related to your injury. It is important to check the laws in your state to see if PIP coverage is mandatory to make sure you are following the rules and protecting yourself in case of an accident.

How does PIP coverage differ from other types of car insurance?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is a type of car insurance that helps pay for medical expenses and lost wages if you’re injured in a car accident, regardless of who was at fault. Unlike other types of car insurance, PIP coverage is considered “no-fault,” meaning you can receive benefits even if you caused the accident. PIP typically covers a wider range of expenses, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and even funeral expenses. It does not cover damages to your property or others’ property.

What does PIP coverage typically include?

PIP coverage typically includes payment for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs related to injuries sustained in a car accident. It can also cover some household services and funeral expenses in certain situations.PIP coverage is designed to provide quick financial assistance to help with immediate needs after an accident, regardless of who is at fault. It is mandatory in some states and optional in others.

Does PIP coverage only apply to medical expenses, or does it cover other costs?

PIP coverage, also known as Personal Injury Protection, can cover not only medical expenses, but also lost wages and sometimes even funeral expenses. It helps you pay for these costs if you are injured in a car accident, regardless of who was at fault.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

What is uninsured motorist coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage is protection that helps pay for medical bills or car repairs if you’re in a car accident caused by someone who doesn’t have insurance. It can also help cover costs if the other driver is underinsured and their insurance doesn’t fully pay for all the expenses. This type of coverage is important because it provides financial security if you’re involved in a crash with a driver who can’t pay for your damages.

Is uninsured motorist coverage required by law?

Some states do require uninsured motorist coverage. Even if uninsured motorist coverage is not required by law in your state, it is highly recommended to have it to protect yourself in case you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance.

What does uninsured motorist coverage typically cover?

Uninsured motorist coverage helps protect you if you’re in a car accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance. It can help cover costs for medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repairs. It can also provide financial support if the other driver doesn’t have enough insurance to fully cover your expenses. This coverage is important to have in case you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance, doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for your damages, or a hit-and-run situation.

How does uninsured motorist coverage differ from underinsured motorist coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage helps if the other driver in a car accident doesn’t have insurance. Underinsured motorist coverage helps if the driver doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for all the damages. So uninsured covers when there’s no insurance, while underinsured covers when there’s not enough insurance. They both protect you in case the other driver can’t pay for all the costs of the accident.

Do I need uninsured motorist coverage if I already have health insurance?

Yes, you may want to consider having uninsured motorist coverage even if you have health insurance. In addition to providing coverage for vehicle damage, uninsured motorist coverage can help cover any medical expenses or injuries caused by a driver without insurance or inadequate insurance. While health insurance can help cover medical costs, uninsured motorist coverage can provide additional protection specifically for injuries caused by uninsured drivers. This coverage can help ensure you are financially protected in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. It is worth considering to help safeguard yourself in case of unexpected circumstances.

Does uninsured motorist coverage cover damage to my car?

Yes, uninsured motorist coverage typically covers damage to your car if you are in an accident caused by a driver who doesn’t have insurance. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to make sure you have the appropriate coverage for your needs.

General insurance coverage FAQs

How do I get insurance?

Getting car insurance is easy. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the amount you pay will be determined by the amount and type of coverage you want and your personal driver profile.


When purchasing car insurance, consider these three simple steps: 


  • First, consider your coverage needs. Your state determines the lowest level of insurance you need by law, but you may want to insure your car with more coverage than the minimum required by law. Learn more about the types of insurance, so you can learn what coverage you need.
  • Once you know what coverage you need, start researching insurance providers and compare rates. Keep in mind that all insurance companies determine their rates differently, so the only way to find the best rate for you is to compare quotes from 3-5 companies. Most car insurance companies offer free quotes online, or you can call to get more information, such as what kinds of discounts are available to you. 
  • Once you choose an auto insurance company that offers the coverage you need at the best price, purchase your new policy with the company. If you have a current policy with another company, be sure to cancel that one after your new policy is instated to avoid a lapse in coverage.  
How does the insurance company determine my insurance rate?

Car insurance companies determine how much they charge you based on a number of factors that make up your driver profile. Factors that can impact your quoted rates include: 


  • Demographics – including your age, home ownership, credit score, and more 
  • Your driving history – including how long you’ve been driving, traffic violations, and more 
  • Your car – including make, model, and year 
  • Where you live – including state and zip code 
  • How much coverage you want 

Read more about the factors that impact your car insurance rate 

How do I switch my car insurance?

Contrary to what you might believe, you can switch your car insurance at any time, regardless of whether you are in the middle of your current policy. To switch your car insurance, here are some tips you might want to consider: 


  1. Decide what coverage you want with your next policy 
  2. Check if your current provider charges cancellation penalties or fees 
  3. Compare car insurance quotes from 3-5 insurance companies to find the best price for the coverage you want  
  4. Research your new company and choose and purchase your policy  
  5. Cancel your current policy once your new one starts to avoid a lapse in coverage 

Read more about how to switch your car insurance 

How can I get cheaper car insurance?

There are many ways you can try to get cheaper car insurance. The first is simply to get quotes from multiple providers. This will help you determine if you’re currently receiving the best rate possible based on your needs and qualifications. 


If you get quotes that are a lot less than what you currently pay, you can either ask your current provider if they can match the price or switch your car insurance to the cheaper provider. Switching is usually an easy process.  


Sometimes, the reason your car insurance is so expensive is due to your driver profile. For example, drivers under 20 years old usually pay more for insurance than more experienced drivers, and drivers with a recent at-fault accident or traffic violation typically pay more.  

There are ways to lower the cost of your insurance such as taking a defensive driving course. Check with your provider to see if there are any discounts you qualify for or can reasonably earn. 


Read more about getting cheap car insurance 

How to cancel car insurance?

If you’re unhappy with your current auto insurance policy, you can follow these five steps to cancel your car insurance. First, review your current provider’s cancellation policy. Next, talk to your agent and request a cancellation form. Then, fill out and submit the necessary documents. Don’t forget to receive proof of cancellation. Lastly, shop around to find a new car insurance provider that meets your needs and budget so you avoid a lapse in coverage. 


Read more about how to cancel your car insurance

How much car insurance do I need?

The answer to this question depends on where you live and what you would like to cover.  


Each state has its own minimum requirements on the type and amount of insurance needed to insure a car. When you’re trying to determine what and how much car insurance you need, you can start by reviewing your state’s requirements.


Find out what’s required in your state 


Once you review your state’s minimum requirements, you may find that you want additional coverage. For example, sometimes owners of new cars want comprehensive coverage to insure their car from natural disasters and vandalism, even though comprehensive coverage isn’t required by their state. To figure out what insurance you want, you can review the different types of insurance to decide what makes the most sense for your situation.  


Learn about the different types of car insurance 

Can you get car insurance without a license?

It is possible to get car insurance without a license. However, it may be a complicated process because most insurance companies require proof of a valid driver’s license to purchase a policy.  


The most common reasons someone might need to get car insurance without a driver’s license of their own is if they are insuring a car they cannot drive themselves due to age or disability or they need to get insurance for a minor who can’t legally enter into an agreement themselves.  


If you need to get car insurance without a license, it’s best to compare rates from multiple companies to find the most affordable policy for your situation, since insurance companies typically consider license-less clients more high-risk and charge a more expensive premium.  

What is gap insurance on a car?

If you lease or finance your vehicle, gap insurance helps cover the gap between what you owe on your vehicle and your car’s actual cash value in the event it is stolen or totaled in an accident.  


Because car insurance companies usually only cover up to the market value of your vehicle in the case of a total loss, gap insurance protects you from being “upside-down” on your loan, owing more to your lender than your car is worth. Gap insurance on a vehicle makes the most sense when you lease or buy a brand-new car that’s less than three years old and/or put a small down payment with a longer loan or lease term. You will no longer need gap insurance when you owe less on your loan than your vehicle’s market value. 

How does car insurance deductibles work?

Your auto insurance deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket after an at-fault accident before your insurance kicks in to cover the rest. For example, if you have a deductible of $500 and are in a covered accident with damages worth $3,000, you would need to pay $500 before your insurance company pays the remaining $2,500. Your deductible amount varies based on your policy terms. Typically, the higher your deductible, the lower your monthly premiums, but the more you’re required to pay in the event of an accident. 

Do red cars cost more to insure?

No, red cars do not cost more to insure than other colors. While this is a common misconception, the Insurance Information Institute reassures drivers that the color of your car does not factor into the cost of auto insurance. Nevertheless, other vehicle characteristics do play a role in the price of your policy, including the age and cost of your car.  

Car insurance coverage FAQs

What does liability insurance cover?​

Getting car insurance is easy. Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance coverage. There are two types of liability car insurance: Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability.  


Bodily injury liability insurance helps cover costs associated with any injuries to another person caused by an accident where you’re at fault. 


Property damage liability insurance helps cover any damage to property (i.e., a vehicle, building, streetlight, etc.) caused by an accident where you’re at fault.  


In both cases, your liability insurance will not pay for your own property damage or bodily injuries caused by another driver. However, most states require all drivers to carry liability insurance coverage to some extent. 


Read more about liability insurance

What is collision insurance? What does collision insurance cover?​

Collision insurance coverage pays to repair or replace your car if it is damaged in an accident. This type of insurance helps cover damages if you are in an accident with another vehicle, person, or object, like a tree or a guardrail. It’s common for lienholders to require collision insurance if you lease or finance your car, but it often becomes optional once your vehicle is paid off. 


Collision insurance typically covers any type of damage to your vehicle due to a collision with another vehicle, an object, or a person. Collision insurance also covers a single-car accident, where the car is damaged from incidents such as rolling.  


Drivers with collision insurance must pay a deductible before the insurance “kicks in.” The cost of your deductible depends on your policy and the amount chosen when you purchase coverage. Collision insurance does not cover non-driving-related damages, such as hail or theft, damage to another person’s vehicle, or any medical bills. 


Read more about collision insurance

Does car insurance cover theft?​

Most car insurance providers cover theft as an add-on to your insurance policy. Although all states have their own minimum insurance coverage requirements, no state currently requires drivers to carry comprehensive coverage. However, purchasing comprehensive coverage is the best option for those who want their car insurance to cover theft. If your car is damaged for a reason other than a collision, comprehensive coverage helps pay for the damage. This includes theft, vandalism, hail, flood, fire, etc.  Read more

Do I need insurance to rent a car?​

Typically you don’t need insurance to rent a car from a rental company because the cars are already insured. However, if you rent a car without having your own personal car insurance, you are typically responsible to pay for any damages out of pocket. So, although you don’t need insurance to rent a car, it’s advisable to select a car rental protection plan to cover costs in the event of an accident during your rental period.  

Does my car insurance cover rental cars?​

In many cases, your car insurance does cover rental cars. However, there are some common exclusions, including renting a car outside of the U.S. or renting a vehicle for business purposes. It’s always a good idea to check with your provider so you know the coverage details, limitations to coverage, and any scenario in which you’d be required to pay for rental car damages out of pocket. 

What does full coverage car insurance cover?

Full coverage car insurance typically combines bodily injury liability, property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist, personal injury protection, collision, and comprehensive coverage. This extra protection helps you in both at-fault and no-fault accidents, as well as if you collide with a driver that doesn’t have the proper amount of insurance to cover related expenses. 


Currently, no state requires drivers to carry full coverage car insurance, but you can select full coverage if you desire. Additionally, if you lease or finance your vehicle, your lender may require you to carry full coverage until your vehicle is paid off.  


Read more about full coverage car insurance

Rate Retriever FAQs

How is Rate Retriever different than other insurance websites?

The biggest difference between Rate Retriever and other comparison sites is that we are a free and impartial research tool NOT an insurance marketplace.​ This means you can’t purchase a policy directly through, but you can use our tool to independently research your options and seamlessly connect with the provider you choose.


Unlike other insurance comparison sites, we:


  • Use third-party data to give you more accurate rate estimates instead of inaccurate, suspiciously low quotes to get you in the door
  • Do not limit your list of results to paid advertisers
  • Do not collect your email or phone number before we let you see your results
  • Give you results after just five questions (however, your results will be more accurate if you complete your profile)


We like to think that Rate Retriever is your insurance companion, not just another insurance comparison site. Our values guide everything we do, which is why we strive to offer transparent, trustworthy insurance tools.


Read more about Rate Retriever

How does Rate Retriever make money?

Rate Retriever works with national and local insurance providers to provide our users with a seamless insurance shopping experience. We may earn a commission from our insurance provider partners when you click on a link, call, or purchase a policy from one of the providers listed on our site. That said, we’re committed to providing you with accurate, bias-free information, and we do not allow our partnerships to limit the results or influence the information we share with you.  


We do not sell your personal information, charge you for using our tools, or sell you insurance policies. Additionally, should you choose to purchase a policy from one of our partners, the price you pay will not be adversely affected. 


Read our full earnings disclosure  

Is Rate Retriever a corporate affiliate of any insurance company? ​

Rate Retriever is an independent company that is not owned by an insurance provider, nor do we provide insurance ourselves. This independence allows us to serve as an insurance research tool, allowing you to accurately and transparently compare insurance companies that can meet your unique needs at a price you can afford. We may earn a commission when you click one of the links or call one of the providers listed on our site; however, we do not allow our partnerships to influence the information we provide. 

Is it cheaper to buy insurance through Rate Retriever?

There is no such thing as discount insurance because insurance rates are regulated by lawHowever, insurance companies calculate risk and assign rates differently based on your driver profile. They outline how they use certain factors to calculate their rates in their rating plan, which must be approved by the state.


Rate Retriever uses this data to estimate what you’ll pay at top insurance companies in your state. By comparing rates for multiple companies in one place, you’re most likely to find the cheapest rates for you. 

At Rate Retriever, we want to help you compare as many companies as we can. However, to keep our comparison tools free to our users, we do have to limit the amount of data we display on each search. The list of companies you see represent top carriers in your geographic area based on the total premiums written. We are exploring ways to expand our search results in the future.