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Everything You Need to Know About Collision Insurance


As a driver, it’s essential to know about your options for car insurance, including your state’s requirements and additional coverage types. Right now, collision insurance is optional in all states. However, there are benefits to adding it to your policy.  

But what does collision insurance cover? How much does it cost? And is it worth it? Find answers to all these questions and more, so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase collision insurance. 

What Is Collision Insurance?

When you’re driving, the last thing you want to happen is a collision. But if it happens, you’ll want to be prepared. That’s where collision insurance comes in. Collision insurance helps protect you financially in the event that you’re involved in an accident with another vehicle or an object.  

If your car is damaged from an at-fault or no-fault accident, or if you collide with a tree, building, guardrail, person, etc., this type of insurance provides financial assistance to repair or replace your car.  

What Does Collision Insurance Cover?

If you’re ever in an accident – whether with another vehicle, object, or person – you can rest assured that your car will be repaired or replaced if you have collision insurance. Specifically, collision insurance coverage provides financial assistance to cover the costs of repairs if your vehicle is damaged from: 

  • Colliding with another vehicle, regardless of who is at fault for the accident 
  • Colliding with an object, such as a guardrail, fence, or sign 
  • Colliding with a person 
  • Rolling or falling over as a result of a single-car accident  

It’s important to note that collision coverage does not pay for damages from hitting an animal such as a deer; this type of incident is covered by comprehensive coverage. Collision insurance also doesn’t cover damage to another person’s vehicle or any medical bills. Damage to another person’s property or costs associated with their injuries are covered by your liability insurance, while costs associated with your own medical bills are covered by personal injury protection or medical payments coverage.  

Types of Collision Insurance

There is only one type of collision insurance in all states except Michigan. Collision insurance typically covers the cost to repair or replace your vehicle after an accident once you pay a deductible. Most insurance providers offer several deductible amounts–ranging from $0 to $1,000. Your deductible must be paid out-of-pocket for your collision insurance to cover the rest of the cost of damages. 

If your car is damaged from an at-fault or no-fault accident, or if you collide with a tree, building, guardrail, person, etc., this type of insurance provides financial assistance to repair or replace your car.  

In Michigan, there are three types of collision coverage: limited, standard, and broad form.  

Limited Collision Coverage (in MI only): 

  • If you’re more than 50% at fault = Insurance pays nothing 
  • If you’re less than 50% at fault = Insurance pays over the cost of your deductible.

Standard Collision Coverage (in MI only): 

  • If you’re more than 50% at fault = Insurance pays over the cost of your deductible 
  • If you’re less than 50% at fault = Insurance pays over the cost of your deductible 

Broad Form Collision Coverage (in MI only):  

  • If you’re more than 50% at fault = Insurance pays over the cost of your deductible 
  • If you’re less than 50% at fault = Insurance pays for everything (no deductible) 


Do I Need Collision Insurance?

Currently, collision insurance is optional in all states. However, if you lease or finance your vehicle, your lender may require you to hold collision coverage until you pay off your loan. 

Additionally, while drivers do not need collision insurance to operate a vehicle legally, many choose to add this coverage type to their policy for additional protection. When deciding whether or not to purchase collision insurance, consider the price of your vehicle and how much it would cost to repair or replace it out of pocket if you were ever in an accident. If that price is too high for you to afford, collision insurance may provide some financial peace of mind. 

If your car is damaged from an at-fault or no-fault accident, or if you collide with a tree, building, guardrail, person, etc., this type of insurance provides financial assistance to repair or replace your car.  

Find Affordable Collision Insurance

If you decide that purchasing collision insurance makes sense for you, it’s time to find the right provider for the best coverage and price. By understanding what collision insurance covers and what type of policy is right for you, you can save money on your premiums without sacrificing protection in the event of a crash. Because insurance can be expensive, it’s important to shop around and compare quotes to find the best price for this type of coverage.  

Use our fast, easy, and free tools to find the best collision insurance from top companies. Submit your information and start comparing car insurance quotes today! 

About Rate Retriever

At Rate Retriever, our mission is to make the way you shop for insurance transparent and fair through user-friendly tools that respect your privacy and deliver reliable, comprehensive results.  

So we took everything we hated about comparing insurance quotes online – the spam, the long questionnaires, the limited choices, the inaccuracy of quote prices – and threw it out the window, favoring a short form that more accurately estimates what you’ll pay at each of the top insurance providers near you. 

Rate Retriever is an independent company that is not owned by an insurance provider, nor do we provide insurance ourselves. This independence allows us to be your free and impartial insurance research tool, helping you make the best decisions for your insurance needs.  

We may earn a commission when you click one of the links or call one of the providers listed on our site; however, we do not allow our partnerships to influence which information we provide. 

Car insurance coverage questions

How does comprehensive insurance differ from collision insurance?

Comprehensive insurance helps cover damage to your car from things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. It also includes coverage for hitting an animal. Collision insurance, on the other hand, only covers damage from accidents with other vehicles or objects. It’s important to have both types of insurance if you want your property to be protected in case you need to make a claim.

What is collision insurance?

Collision insurance is a type of car insurance that helps pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if you are in a crash, regardless of who is at fault. This coverage protects you from paying out-of-pocket for damages to your own car, unlike liability insurance which covers damages you cause to others. Collision insurance can be helpful if you have a newer or more valuable car, as it can help you get back on the road quickly after an accident.

How does collision insurance differ from other types of car insurance?

Collision insurance covers the cost of repairs or replacement of your own vehicle if you get into an accident, regardless of who is at fault. This is different from liability insurance, which only covers damages to the other person’s vehicle if you are responsible for the accident. Comprehensive insurance covers non-collision related damages, like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Collision insurance is optional, but can be helpful in protecting your own investment in your vehicle. It generally has a deductible that you must pay before the insurance kicks in to cover the rest of the costs.

Is collision insurance required by law?

Collision insurance is not required by law. Most states only require drivers to have liability insurance, which helps cover the costs if you damage someone else’s property or injure them in an accident. Collision insurance is optional and can help pay for repairs or replacement of your own vehicle if you’re in a crash. While it’s not required, having collision insurance can provide peace of mind and help protect your finances in case of an accident.

What does collision insurance cover?

Collision insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it’s damaged in a crash with another vehicle or object. This type of insurance is important because it protects you from having to pay for these costly damages out of your own pocket. Collision insurance only covers damages from accidents you are involved in, not natural disasters or other incidents. It helps give you peace of mind knowing that you won’t be left with a hefty bill if your car is damaged in a collision.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car if I hit another vehicle?

Yes, collision insurance will cover damage to your car if you hit another vehicle. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs to your car after a collision, regardless of who is at fault. It can also cover damage caused by hitting a stationary object like a tree or pole. It’s a good idea to have collision insurance to protect yourself in case of an accident.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car if I hit an object like a tree or pole?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage to your car if you hit an object like a tree or pole. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if you are in a collision with another vehicle, object, or if your car rolls over. It is important to review your policy details to see if this type of coverage is included and to understand any deductibles or limits that may apply.

Is it better to have comprehensive or collision insurance?

It depends on your specific needs and budget. Comprehensive insurance can protect you from things like theft, vandalism, and natural disasters, while collision insurance helps cover damage to your car if you get in an accident. If you have a newer or more expensive car, both types of coverage might be a good idea. However, if you have an older car or are on a tighter budget, you may choose to just have collision insurance. It’s important to carefully weigh your options and consider what you can afford and what risks you are most concerned about.

Can I choose my deductible amount for collision insurance?

Yes, you can usually choose your deductible amount when purchasing collision insurance. Your deductible is the amount you will have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in to cover the rest of the costs if you are in an accident. Typically, the higher your deductible, the lower your monthly insurance premium will be. It’s important to choose a deductible that you can afford to pay if you need to make a claim, so consider your budget and driving habits when selecting an amount.

What is the deductible for collision insurance?

A deductible for collision insurance is the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance starts to cover the costs of damages to your car caused by a collision. Deductibles can vary depending on your insurance policy, but common amounts are $500 or $1,000. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your insurance premiums, but it means you will have to pay more if you are in an accident. It’s important to understand your deductible and make sure you have enough money set aside to cover it if needed.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car caused by road hazards, like potholes?

Collision insurance typically covers damage to your car caused by road hazards like potholes. Additionally, some insurance policies offer optional coverage for road hazards. If your policy does not cover road hazard damage, you may need to pay for repairs out of pocket. Be cautious when driving to avoid road hazards and minimize the risk of damage to your vehicle.

No, collision insurance typically does not cover damage to your car caused by weather-related incidents like hail or flooding. Instead, comprehensive insurance is what you would need to cover these types of damages to your vehicle. Comprehensive insurance can help pay for repairs or replacement of your car if it is damaged by non-collision incidents. It’s important to check with your insurance company to make sure you have the right coverage for weather-related damage to your car.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car if it’s stolen or vandalized?

Collision insurance typically does not cover damage to your car if it is stolen or vandalized. Theft and vandalism are considered non-collision events, and are usually covered by comprehensive insurance. Make sure to check your policy to see if you have comprehensive coverage to protect against theft and vandalism.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car caused by hitting an animal?

No, collision insurance does not typically cover damage to your car that is caused by hitting an animal. For incidents where you collide with an animal such as a deer or a raccoon, you will need comprehensive insurance.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car caused by someone else hitting me?

Collision insurance typically covers damages to your car if you are at fault in an accident. If someone else hits you, their insurance should cover the damages to your car. However, if that person doesn’t have insurance or enough coverage, your collision insurance could help cover the costs. It’s important to review your policy to understand what type of coverage you have and what situations are included. If you’re not sure, contact your insurance company or agent for clarification.

Does collision insurance cover damage to my car caused by a single-car accident or rollover?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage to your car caused by a single-car accident or rollover. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if you crash into an object or roll over on the road. It is important to check your policy details to understand the specific coverage limits and exclusions that may apply in these situations.

Do I need collision insurance on a 10 year old car?

Collision insurance provides coverage for damages to your vehicle in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault. For a 10 year old car, it may not be worth the cost of collision insurance, if you can afford to repair or replace your vehicle out-of-pocket. If the car is worth less than the cost of insurance premiums and deductible, you may choose to forgo collision coverage. Make sure to weigh the potential benefits and costs before making a decision.

Is it bad to not have collision insurance?

It can be risky to not have collision insurance because if you cause an accident, you will have to pay for the damage to your car out of your own pocket. Collision insurance helps cover the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it is damaged in a crash, regardless of who is at fault. Without this coverage, you may struggle to afford the expenses that come with a collision. It’s important to weigh the potential financial consequences of not having collision insurance and decide if it’s worth the added protection for your vehicle.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with a moving object?

Yes, collision insurance does cover damage caused by a collision with a moving object. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs to your vehicle if it is damaged in a crash with another car, a tree, a pole, or other object. It can also help cover the cost of replacing your car if it is totaled in the accident. Collision insurance is important to have to protect yourself financially in case of an unexpected collision with a moving object.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with a stationary object?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage caused by a collision with a stationary object such as a pole or wall. This type of insurance is designed to pay for repairs to your vehicle if you are involved in a crash, regardless of whether the other vehicle is moving or not. It can help cover the cost of fixing or replacing your car after an accident, up to the limits of your policy.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with private property?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage to your vehicle caused by a collision with private property, such as a fence, wall, or mailbox. This type of insurance can help pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle if it is damaged in an accident.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with public property?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage caused by a collision with public property such as a light pole or guardrail. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs to your vehicle after a crash, even if you are at fault. It is important to check your policy to see the specific coverage amounts and any exclusions that may apply.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with a motorcyclist?

Yes, collision insurance typically covers damage caused by a collision with a motorcyclist. If you are at fault in the accident, your collision insurance should help pay for repairs to your vehicle. If you are not at fault, the motorcyclist’s insurance may cover the damages. It is always a good idea to consult with your insurance agent to understand what is covered in your policy.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a collision with a bicyclist?

Collision insurance typically covers damage to your vehicle caused by a collision with another vehicle or object. However, coverage for damage caused by a collision with a bicyclist may vary depending on the specific policy and situation. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to determine if this type of collision is covered under your policy. Some policies may have specific provisions for accidents involving bicyclists, so it’s best to review your coverage to be sure.

Does collision insurance cover damage caused by a mechanical failure?

No, collision insurance does not cover damage caused by a mechanical failure. Collision insurance is specifically for accidents involving collisions with other vehicles or objects. If your car has a mechanical issue that leads to damage, such as a blown engine or transmission failure, you would need a different type of insurance coverage, such as comprehensive insurance or a separate mechanical breakdown policy.

Can I switch from liability-only coverage to collision insurance mid-policy?

Yes, you can add collision insurance to your liability coverage mid-policy, but there may be some changes to your premium and coverage limits. It’s important to contact your insurance provider to discuss the switch and any potential adjustments to your policy. Collision insurance can help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle if you’re in an accident, while liability-only coverage only covers damage you cause to others.

Can I get collision insurance for a rental car?

Yes, you can purchase collision insurance for a rental car. This type of insurance helps cover the cost of damages to the rental car if you get into an accident. It is a good idea to consider purchasing collision insurance when renting a car to protect yourself from having to pay for expensive repairs out of pocket. Collision insurance can usually be added to your rental agreement for an additional fee. Be sure to check with the rental car company for their specific policies on collision insurance coverage.

Can I lower my collision insurance premiums by increasing my deductible?

Yes, you can potentially lower your collision insurance premiums by increasing your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance company covers the rest of the costs for a claim. By choosing a higher deductible, your insurance company may consider you a lower risk and offer you lower premiums. However, it is important to carefully consider if you can afford the higher out-of-pocket costs in case of an accident before increasing your deductible. It is recommended to consult with your insurance provider to understand how adjusting your deductible can impact your premiums.

Do I need collision insurance if I lease or finance my car?

If you lease or finance your car, your lender may require collision insurance. This type of insurance can help cover the cost of repairs or replacement if your car is damaged in a collision. Since you do not fully own the car, the leasing or financing company may require collision insurance to protect their investment. It is important to carefully review your agreement and consult with your insurance provider to determine the necessary coverage for your specific situation.

Can I add collision insurance to my policy at any time?

Yes, you can add collision insurance to your policy at any time, but doing so may increase your monthly premium. It is best to contact your insurance agent or company to make sure you have the right coverage for your needs. Adding collision insurance can provide financial protection if your car is damaged in an accident, whether it’s your fault or not. Keep in mind that adding collision insurance may increase your premium, but it can be a good investment in case of an unexpected car crash.

Are there any discounts available for collision insurance?

Yes, many insurance companies offer discounts for collision insurance. Some common discounts include multi-policy discounts for bundling car insurance with another type of policy, safe driving discounts for having a clean driving record, and loyalty discounts for sticking with the same insurance company for a certain amount of time. Additionally, some companies offer discounts for taking a defensive driving course or for having safety features in your car. It’s a good idea to ask your insurance provider about any discounts that may be available to help save money on collision coverage.

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