Do you know what type of car insurance coverage you need to receive financial protection in the event of an at-fault accident, no-fault collision, or damage from hail, theft, or an animal? Do you know if your auto insurance covers your medical bills if you’re hurt in an accident?
With multiple types of car insurance coverage available, it can be tricky to know if you’re adequately protected and in what circumstances.
One way to ensure you are covered under nearly any circumstance is to purchase full coverage insurance. But what is full coverage insurance? Interestingly, “full coverage” isn’t actually an insurance policy. So what is it?
Learn everything you need to know about full coverage insurance to receive the best protection in all situations.
What Is Full Coverage Insurance?
When people talk about full coverage insurance, they typically mean purchasing multiple types of insurance to provide financial assistance in various situations. Because there is no such thing as a full coverage insurance policy, it’s achieved by combining all the coverage types available, purchased individually for complete protection. To receive full coverage, you need to choose the insurance types required by law in your state, as well as additional policies.