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How to find the best liability car insurance

If you own a registered vehicle, car insurance is a legal requirement in most states. At a minimum, drivers must carry personal liability insurance, which covers another driver’s losses when you cause an accident. In addition, each state has its own liability car insurance coverage requirements for damages per person and per accident.

Because liability insurance is often mandated, it’s important to choose the best liability car insurance policy. It’s worth shopping around and getting quotes from multiple providers to find the best policy from a company that fits your unique needs. Here’s what you need to know about getting the best car liability insurance.

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Written by Elizabeth Rivelli

Reviewed by Alyssa DiCrasto

Last updated: October 04, 2022

What does liability coverage mean for auto insurance?

Personal liability insurance provides coverage for your financial responsibilities when you cause an accident. Here’s what is covered under a basic liability insurance policy:

  • Bodily injury liability: If you cause an accident and the other driver gets injured, your bodily injury liability insurance will pay for their medical expenses and rehabilitation costs. If you get sued, it will also help cover your legal fees.
  • Property damage liability: If you hit another driver and their vehicle gets damaged, or if you damage private property, like a fence or storefront, property damage liability insurance will help cover the cost of repairs, plus your legal expenses if you get sued.

Like all types of car insurance, liability insurance has a policy limit, which is the amount your insurance company will pay for a claim. There’s a minimum amount of coverage you are required to carry per your state’s laws, but there’s no guarantee that the minimum coverage limit will be sufficient to cover all costs if you get into an accident.

If you cause an accident and the other driver’s losses exceed your liability policy limit, you could be responsible for paying the difference out-of-pocket. Because of that, most insurance agents advise drivers to purchase more coverage than what’s required by the state for more financial protection.

What is not covered in liability car insurance?

Liability insurance is a very specific type of coverage. It only applies when you cause an accident, and the other driver gets injured or their vehicle or property is damaged. Liability insurance provides no coverage for your own medical costs or vehicle damages.

Here are some other things that liability insurance does not cover:

  • Your vehicle’s repairs after an accident you cause
  • Your medical expenses if you get injured in a crash
  • Your vehicle’s maintenance
  • Rental cars
  • Weather-related vehicle damage
  • Animal-related vehicle damage
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Hit and runs

How much does liability insurance cost?

In the U.S., the average cost of liability insurance is $650 per year, according to data from the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I). However, the cost of liability insurance is different for every driver. Some of the unique factors that impact the price of your policy include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Credit score
  • Driving record
  • Insurance claim history
  • Make and model of your vehicle
  • Coverage limits
  • Car insurance company

In addition to these factors, your state has a big impact on your liability insurance premium. For example, a driver in Rhode Island pays $918 per year on average for liability coverage, whereas the same driver only pays $350 per year on average in Iowa.

To find the most affordable personal liability insurance policy for your situation, you should shop around and compare quotes from a few providers. You can also re-shop for liability insurance before your policy renews or after a claim to see if you can find a cheaper rate elsewhere.

Liability auto insurance

What is the difference between collision and liability?

Liability insurance and collision insurance are both well-known car insurance policies, but they differ in a number of ways.

Collision insurance pays for your own vehicle repairs after an accident that you cause, whereas liability insurance only applies to the other driver’s losses when you are responsible for a crash. Collision insurance is also optional in most states, whereas liability insurance is legally required in most states that mandate car insurance.

Additionally, collision insurance has a deductible which you must pay if you have a claim. The deductible is a fixed amount of money that gets subtracted from your claim payout. With liability insurance, there’s usually no deductible because you aren’t collecting money from the insurance company.

In terms of cost, collision insurance is much cheaper than liability insurance. The average cost of collision insurance in the U.S. is $381 annually, per Triple-I, compared to $650 for liability insurance. However, collision insurance costs differ based on factors like your state, age, gender and accident history.

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Is liability coverage worth it?

Liability insurance is well worth the cost. When you cause an accident, liability insurance pays for the other driver’s expenses, which you are responsible for. Without liability insurance, you would have to compensate the other driver for their losses in full, which could be $100,000 in medical expenses or $15,000 in vehicle repairs.

Even if you consider yourself to be a safe driver, you never know when an accident can happen. Having liability insurance provides some peace of mind knowing that you’re financially protected if you cause an accident that results in bodily injury or property damage to the other party.

Find the best car insurance company that sells liability insurance by taking our short quiz. Based on your responses, you’ll get matched with a provider in your area that meets your coverage needs. From there, you can get a quote and purchase a liability policy.

Car insurance coverage questions

What is liability coverage and why is it important?

Liability coverage is insurance that helps pay for damages or injuries to others in an at-fault accident. It’s important because accidents happen and can be expensive. If you cause a car crash or someone gets hurt on your property, liability coverage can protect you from having to pay for those costs out of your own pocket. It can also cover legal expenses if you are sued. Having liability coverage can give you peace of mind and protect your finances in case of an unexpected accident.

Is liability insurance required by law?

Most states have laws that mandate certain types and amounts of liability insurance for drivers. It’s important to check the laws in your specific area to understand what types of insurance are required by law to make sure you are properly covered.

What does liability insurance cover?

Liability insurance helps cover the cost of damages or injuries caused by an accident you’re responsible for. This type of insurance can help pay for expenses like medical bills, property damage, or legal fees if someone sues you. It doesn’t typically cover your own injuries or damage to your own property. Liability insurance is important to protect you financially in case something goes wrong and you’re found at fault. Make sure you understand the limits of your policy and consider getting additional coverage if needed.

How does liability insurance differ from other types of car insurance?

Liability insurance is a type of car insurance that helps cover the costs if you cause an accident that injures someone or damages their property. Unlike other types of car insurance, like collision or comprehensive, liability insurance does not pay for damage to your own car. It is designed to protect you from having to pay out of pocket for someone else’s medical bills or repairs. Liability insurance is required in most states because it helps ensure that people are financially responsible if they cause an accident.

Do I need liability insurance if I have comprehensive and collision coverage?

Yes, liability insurance is still important even if you have comprehensive and collision coverage. For one thing, liability insurance is required by law in most states. It helps protect you if you are at fault in an accident and someone else is injured or their property is damaged. Comprehensive and collision coverage mainly protect your vehicle in case of accidents, theft, or damage, but they do not cover injuries to other people or damage to their property. Having liability insurance ensures that you are covered for these situations.

What are the minimum liability insurance requirements in my state?

Minimum liability insurance requirements vary by state, but typically include coverage for bodily injury and property damage. Each state has its own specific minimum limits for coverage, such as 25/50/25 in some states, meaning $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage. It is important to check with your state’s Department of Insurance or a licensed insurance agent to find out the exact requirements in your state to make sure you have the proper coverage.

Does liability insurance cover medical expenses for me and my passengers?

Liability insurance does not typically cover medical expenses for you or your passengers. Liability insurance helps cover costs for other people if you’re at fault in an accident, but it usually does not cover your own medical bills. To help with medical expenses for you and your passengers, you may need to have medical payments coverage or personal injury protection (PIP) as part of your auto insurance policy. It’s important to review your policy and speak with your insurance agent to make sure you have the right coverage for your needs.

Will my liability insurance rates increase if I file a claim?

Filing a claim on your liability insurance can sometimes cause your rates to increase. Insurance companies may see you as a higher risk if you have made a claim in the past. It’s important to weigh the costs of a potential rate increase against the benefits of filing a claim. If the claim is for a large amount, it may be worth it to file, but for smaller amounts, it might be better to pay out of pocket to avoid a rate hike. It’s always a good idea to discuss the potential impact with your insurance provider before making a decision.

Yes, liability insurance typically covers legal expenses if you’re sued after an accident. It helps pay for a lawyer to defend you in court and can cover the costs of settling the lawsuit. It’s important to check your policy to understand what is included in your coverage and any limits that may apply. Liability insurance provides financial protection in case you are found responsible for causing harm to others and can help give you peace of mind in stressful situations.

What happens if I’m in an accident and the other driver doesn’t have insurance?

If the other driver doesn’t have insurance, it may be harder to get money for your injuries or damage to your car. Your own insurance might cover some costs if you have uninsured motorist coverage. You could also try to sue the other driver, but they might not have enough money to pay for your expenses. It’s important to always have car insurance so you are protected if you get into an accident.

Does liability insurance cover hit-and-run accidents?

Liability insurance does not usually cover hit-and-run accidents. This type of insurance typically only covers damages that you cause to someone else or their property. In the case of a hit-and-run, the other driver is unknown and there is no one to hold responsible. To be covered in a hit-and-run situation, you may need to have uninsured motorist coverage as part of your insurance policy. This coverage can help pay for damages when the at-fault driver is uninsured or cannot be identified, such as in a hit-and-run accident.

Can I add additional coverage to my liability insurance policy?

Yes, you can usually add additional coverage to your liability insurance policy. This helps protect you in case you cause damage to someone else’s property or injure someone. By adding more coverage, you can have extra protection and peace of mind. It’s important to talk to your insurance company to see what options are available and how much it will cost. Adding extra coverage can be a smart choice to make sure you are fully protected in case of an accident or unexpected situation.

Does liability insurance cover me if I’m driving a rental car?

It depends on the policy. Some insurance may cover you when driving a rental car, but others may not. It’s important to check with your insurance company before renting a car to see if you are covered. If not, you may need to purchase additional insurance from the rental car company to make sure you are protected in case of an accident. Always read the fine print and ask questions to understand what is and isn’t covered.

Will my liability insurance cover me if I’m driving someone else’s car?

Yes, your liability insurance will typically cover you if you are driving someone else’s car. As long as you have permission to drive the car, your liability coverage should protect you in the event of an accident. However, it’s important to check with your insurance provider to make sure you have the proper coverage when driving a vehicle that is not your own.

How do I choose the right liability insurance limits for my needs?

When choosing liability insurance limits, consider your assets and potential risks. Higher limits protect you in case of a costly lawsuit. Calculate your assets, like savings, home, and car value, to determine how much coverage you might need. Also, think about the types of risks you face, such as driving habits or business activities. It’s important to balance coverage with what you can afford in premiums. Talking with an insurance agent can help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and situation.

Are there different types of liability coverage?

Yes, there are different types of liability coverage. Bodily injury liability coverage helps pay for the medical expenses of people injured in an accident you are responsible for. Property damage liability coverage helps pay for damage to someone else’s property caused by an accident you are responsible for. These types of coverage are designed to protect you financially if you are found liable for causing harm to others. It is important to have both types of liability coverage to ensure you are protected in case of an accident.

What happens if my liability insurance limits are exceeded in an accident?

If your liability insurance limits are exceeded in an accident, you may be responsible for paying the remaining costs out of pocket. This could include property damage, medical bills, and legal expenses. If you cannot afford to pay these costs, you may face lawsuits or have your assets seized. It is important to make sure you have enough liability coverage to protect yourself in case of an accident. It’s a good idea to speak with your insurance agent to understand your policy limits and explore options for increasing your coverage if needed.

Does liability insurance cover damage to property (e.g., fences, buildings) caused by my car?

Yes, liability insurance can cover damage to property caused by your car. If you are at fault in an accident that results in damage to someone else’s property, such as fences or buildings, your liability insurance can help cover the costs of repairs or replacements. However, it’s important to check the limits of your policy and make sure you have enough coverage to fully protect yourself in case of property damage. Remember, liability insurance typically does not cover damage to your own car, so you may need additional coverage for that.

Does liability insurance cover damage to other vehicles in an accident I caused?

Yes, liability insurance typically covers damage to other vehicles in an accident you caused. This type of insurance helps pay for repairs or replacement of the other vehicles involved. However, it does not cover damage to your own vehicle. It’s important to have enough liability coverage to protect yourself financially in case of an accident. Make sure to review your policy to understand exactly what is and isn’t covered.

Does liability insurance cover damage to my car?

Liability insurance generally only covers damages or injuries you cause to others in a car accident, not damage to your own car. If you want coverage for your car, you may need to add collision or comprehensive insurance to your policy. These types of insurance can help pay for repairs or replacement of your car if it is damaged in an accident, natural disaster, or other covered event. It is important to understand your insurance policy and what it covers to make sure you have the right protection for your needs.

Why is liability insurance so cheap?

Liability insurance is typically inexpensive because it covers only damages or injuries caused by you to someone else. This type of coverage does not include protection for your own property or injuries. Therefore, the risk to the insurance company is lower compared to other types of insurance like comprehensive or collision coverage. Additionally, liability insurance is required by law in most states, which means more people are purchasing it, leading to lower costs. Overall, the limited coverage and high demand make liability insurance more affordable for policyholders.

What are two components of liability insurance?

Liability insurance has two main components: bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage. Bodily injury coverage helps pay for medical expenses and legal fees if someone is injured due to your actions or negligence. Property damage coverage helps cover the cost of repairs or replacements if you damage someone else’s property.

What is the difference between auto liability and general liability?

Auto liability insurance covers damages caused by a vehicle, while general liability insurance covers injuries or property damage that happen outside of a vehicle. Auto liability is for accidents involving cars, trucks, or motorcycles, while general liability is for incidents that occur at a business, event, or property. Auto liability is required by law for drivers, while general liability is typically chosen by businesses to protect against claims from customers or employees. Both coverages help pay for damages or injuries, but they apply to different situations.

Who offers the cheapest liability insurance?

The cheapest liability insurance can vary depending on factors like where you live, your driving record, and the coverage amount you need. It’s a good idea to shop around and get quotes from different insurance companies to find the best price for you.

What is the cheapest liability insurance per month?

The cost of liability insurance can vary based on factors such as where you live, the kind of car you drive, and your driving history. On average, a liability-only or minimum requirements policy will be the cheapest car insurance you can get while remaining legal. It is important to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance providers to find the cheapest option that meets your coverage requirements.

Do I need supplemental liability coverage when renting a car?

Yes, it is generally recommended to purchase supplemental liability coverage when renting a car. This type of insurance can provide you with extra protection in case of accidents or damages that exceed the limits of the rental company’s policy. It can help cover medical expenses and property damage for other people involved in the accident. It is important to check with your insurance provider to see if you are already covered for rental cars, as some policies may already include this coverage. Ultimately, having supplemental liability coverage can give you peace of mind while driving a rented vehicle.

Can you have liability insurance on a financed car?

Liability insurance is one type of insurance you will need on your financed car. Liability insurance helps cover the cost of damage or injuries you may cause to others in an accident, and it’s typically required by law in most states. However, some lenders require more coverage than just liability insurance: you may need comprehensive and collision coverage which proviede coverage for your own vehicle in case of theft, vandalism, or accidents for which you are at fault.

When should you get liability-only insurance?

You should get liability-only insurance if you have an older car that is not worth a lot of money, or that you can repair or replace out-of-pocket. This type of insurance will cover damages you cause to someone else’s property or injuries in an accident, but it will not cover any damage to your own car. If your car is not worth much and you want to save money on insurance premiums, liability-only insurance may be a good option for you. However, if you cannot repair or replace your vehicle out of pocket, you may want to consider getting a policy with full coverage to protect your investment.

Does liability insurance cover a stolen car?

Liability insurance typically does not cover a stolen car. Liability insurance only covers damage or injuries caused to others in an accident where you are at fault. To protect against theft, you would need to have comprehensive insurance, which covers damage to your car caused by things like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.