There are several occasions when you need to add a second driver to your car insurance policy. For example, you might get married and combine policies with your new spouse, or add your child to your policy when they get a driver’s license. Adding a driver to your car insurance policy is a simple process, but it can cause your premium, or the price you pay for car insurance, to change.
Before you add a driver to your car insurance policy, there are a few things you should know. In this guide, we’ll explain when and how to add a driver to your insurance policy and share how much it costs to add a new driver to your car insurance.
Adding a driver to your car insurance policy
If you’re the only person listed on your car insurance policy, it’s possible to add more drivers. Most insurance companies allow up to four people on a single policy, whether the additional drivers are relatives or friends. Adding a new driver to your policy is fairly straightforward, and many insurers allow you to make this change online or through the company’s mobile app.
Who can I add to my car insurance policy?
In general, you can add anyone to your car insurance policy who lives in your household. You can add a spouse, children, extended family members, relatives, or friends, as long as they have a valid driver’s license. However, there is usually a limit to the number of people you can add to one policy.
In some states, you are legally required to add the people you live with to your car insurance policy. This includes roommates and family members who live at the same address. For example, if you and your spouse have your own insurance policies, you might have to add each other as an insured driver on your individual policies.
When do I need to add a driver to my car insurance policy?
You should add a driver to your policy as soon as that person needs to start driving your vehicle. So, for instance, once your child gets their learner’s permit, it’s a good idea to add them to your insurance policy, even if it’s not required. Similarly, you might want to add a boyfriend or girlfriend to your policy if you move in together and occasionally drive each other’s vehicles.
How to add a driver to my car insurance
Adding a new driver to your car insurance policy is pretty simple. You will need to contact your insurance provider to have them added, or use the online customer portal or mobile app. To add the driver, you will need to submit their name, date of birth, and driver’s license number. You might also have to disclose information about their driving record or claim history. Once the driver has been added, you will see your new rate if any changes were made.
How much does it cost to add a person to my car insurance?
The cost of adding a person to your car insurance policy depends on several factors, including the person’s age and driving record. Adding a young driver will have a bigger impact on your premium than adding an adult driver. If the new driver has multiple violations or accidents on their record, that could also cause your car insurance rate to increase significantly.
Before you add a person to your car insurance policy, it’s a good idea to get new car insurance quotes. You might find that a different company can offer a lower rate for your new policy. You can take our short quiz to see how much you can expect to pay for car insurance.