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How is Rate Retriever different than other insurance websites?

The biggest difference between Rate Retriever and other comparison sites is that we are a free and impartial research tool NOT an insurance marketplace.​ This means you can’t purchase a policy directly through, but you can use our tool to independently research your options and seamlessly connect with the provider you choose.

Unlike other insurance comparison sites, we:

  • Use third-party data to give you more accurate rate estimates instead of inaccurate, suspiciously low quotes to get you in the door
  • Do not limit your list of results to paid advertisers
  • Do not collect your email or phone number before we let you see your results
  • Give you results after just five questions (however, your results will be more accurate if you complete your profile)

We like to think that Rate Retriever is your insurance companion, not just another insurance comparison site. Our values guide everything we do, which is why we strive to offer transparent, trustworthy insurance tools.

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What does full coverage car insurance cover?

Full coverage car insurance typically combines bodily injury liability, property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist, personal injury protection, collision, and comprehensive coverage. This extra protection helps you in both at-fault and no-fault accidents, as well as if you collide with a driver that doesn’t have the proper amount of insurance to cover related expenses. 

Currently, no state requires drivers to carry full coverage car insurance, but you can select full coverage if you desire. Additionally, if you lease or finance your vehicle, your lender may require you to carry full coverage until your vehicle is paid off.  

Read more about full coverage car insurance

Does my car insurance cover rental cars?​

In many cases, your car insurance does cover rental cars. However, there are some common exclusions, including renting a car outside of the U.S. or renting a vehicle for business purposes. It’s always a good idea to check with your provider so you know the coverage details, limitations to coverage, and any scenario in which you’d be required to pay for rental car damages out of pocket. 

Do I need insurance to rent a car?​

Typically you don’t need insurance to rent a car from a rental company because the cars are already insured. However, if you rent a car without having your own personal car insurance, you are typically responsible to pay for any damages out of pocket. So, although you don’t need insurance to rent a car, it’s advisable to select a car rental protection plan to cover costs in the event of an accident during your rental period.  

Does car insurance cover theft?​

Most car insurance providers cover theft as an add-on to your insurance policy. Although all states have their own minimum insurance coverage requirements, no state currently requires drivers to carry comprehensive coverage. However, purchasing comprehensive coverage is the best option for those who want their car insurance to cover theft. If your car is damaged for a reason other than a collision, comprehensive coverage helps pay for the damage. This includes theft, vandalism, hail, flood, fire, etc.  Read more

What is collision insurance? What does collision insurance cover?​

Collision insurance coverage pays to repair or replace your car if it is damaged in an accident. This type of insurance helps cover damages if you are in an accident with another vehicle, person, or object, like a tree or a guardrail. It’s common for lienholders to require collision insurance if you lease or finance your car, but it often becomes optional once your vehicle is paid off. 

Collision insurance typically covers any type of damage to your vehicle due to a collision with another vehicle, an object, or a person. Collision insurance also covers a single-car accident, where the car is damaged from incidents such as rolling.  

Drivers with collision insurance must pay a deductible before the insurance “kicks in.” The cost of your deductible depends on your policy and the amount chosen when you purchase coverage. Collision insurance does not cover non-driving-related damages, such as hail or theft, damage to another person’s vehicle, or any medical bills. 

Read more about collision insurance

What does liability insurance cover?​

Getting car insurance is easy. Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance coverage. There are two types of liability car insurance: Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability.  

Bodily injury liability insurance helps cover costs associated with any injuries to another person caused by an accident where you’re at fault. 

Property damage liability insurance helps cover any damage to property (i.e., a vehicle, building, streetlight, etc.) caused by an accident where you’re at fault.  

In both cases, your liability insurance will not pay for your own property damage or bodily injuries caused by another driver. However, most states require all drivers to carry liability insurance coverage to some extent. 

Read more about liability insurance

Do red cars cost more to insure?

No, red cars do not cost more to insure than other colors. While this is a common misconception, the Insurance Information Institute reassures drivers that the color of your car does not factor into the cost of auto insurance. Nevertheless, other vehicle characteristics do play a role in the price of your policy, including the age and cost of your car.  

How does car insurance deductibles work?

Your auto insurance deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket after an at-fault accident before your insurance kicks in to cover the rest. For example, if you have a deductible of $500 and are in a covered accident with damages worth $3,000, you would need to pay $500 before your insurance company pays the remaining $2,500. Your deductible amount varies based on your policy terms. Typically, the higher your deductible, the lower your monthly premiums, but the more you’re required to pay in the event of an accident. 

What is gap insurance on a car?

If you lease or finance your vehicle, gap insurance helps cover the gap between what you owe on your vehicle and your car’s actual cash value in the event it is stolen or totaled in an accident.  

Because car insurance companies usually only cover up to the market value of your vehicle in the case of a total loss, gap insurance protects you from being “upside-down” on your loan, owing more to your lender than your car is worth. Gap insurance on a vehicle makes the most sense when you lease or buy a brand-new car that’s less than three years old and/or put a small down payment with a longer loan or lease term. You will no longer need gap insurance when you owe less on your loan than your vehicle’s market value.